
About My Studio

User Experience professional and user interface designer with hands-on work in both Web & Mobile. I strive for fun & intuitive UX flow wrapped with pragmatism and the love of creation. I am experienced in balancing users’ needs with technical limitations and marketing goals. I have experience in the whole design process: information architecture, research, usability, prototyping, and visual design.

UX Design

I specialize in building complex systems, dynamic websites and applications. My work incorporates UX solutions that hopefully look good :)

UI Design

I grew up into art. My designs combine creativity, pragmatism and always wrapped with the love of creation

Holistic Marketing

The marketing solutions I offer combine extensive experience, and if necessary, provide a 360-degree solution

Full Support

Over the years I have gained experience working with developers. I perform a strict quality check to the product, but also know to compromise when circumstances require
Holistic Solutions

My studio provides a complete digital solution

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MY Approach

Work Process


Defining the problem

The ability to identify the problem correctly is the first step to an effective solution

Exploring the solution

There is no magic formula. It is based on research, brainstorm possible solutions and learning from competitors


In order to release the most suitable product, I present few solutions as prototypes, before advancing to the UI design phase

Carefully Designed

Hopefully :) my designs combine creativity, pragmatism and accuracy. Most certainly they wrapped with the love of creation

Support & QA

Over the years I have gained experience working with developers. I perform a strict quality check to the product, but also know to compromise when circumstances require
are you ready?

Let's Create A New Design

let's talk
Who We Are

Creative Team

Vega CEO
Adam Walker
Blog Author
UX Ninja
John Davidson
Blog Author
PR Goddes
Christina Parker
Blog Author
Dev Guru
Roger Chavez
Blog Author
Happy Clients
holistic solutions